Le groupe

Informations réglementaires

Regulated status

Member of the Chambre Nationale des Conseils en Gestion de Patrimoine

Registered to Orias under the no. 07 001 907 as:

  • Financial investment adviser, member of the “Chambre Nationale des Conseils en Gestion de Patrimoine (CNCGP)”, accredited association by the french “Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF)” (1).
  • Insurance broker reported in the B category as per the article L.520-1 II 1°, with no contractual obligation to work exclusively with one or several insurance companies and authorized to submit insurance and capitalization transactions from the following institutions: Generali Patrimoine, AG2R La Mondiale, Le Conservateur, Oradéa Vie.
  • Nonexclusive agent in banking and payment service transactions.
  • Holder of the professional real estate and business transactions card no. T12584 issued by the Paris Prefecture.
  • Enterprise promoting products with whom a meaningful capital or commercial link exists: nil
  • Enterprises with whom a financial link exists: nil
  • Credit or payment institution representing more than 33% of the turnover in intermediation in N-1: nil
  • Direct or indirect equity holding higher then 10% of the voting rights or enterprise’s equity hold by a credit or payment institution: nil
  • CNIL reporting of customers files as per the law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978.
  • Correspondent, notifier, and responsible TRACFIN : Mister Deschanels Stéphane
  • “Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution (ACPR) » : 66, rue Taitbout, 75436 PARIS cedex.
  • « Autorité des marchés Financiers », 17, place de la Bourse 75082 Paris cedex 02

When the provision of financial investment adviser (CIF) is followed by a provision of intermediation on financial products, the wealth manager is enabled to receive, in addition of unearned subscription fees to the OPCVM, a portion of management fees up-to 50%, whether it comes from OPCVM bonds, monetary or invested in shares.

According to the provision of the article 325-6 of the General Regulation of the AMF, customers can obtain, with the support of the CIF, more detailed information from the account holder institution or directly from the producer when this one is not the custodian.

The claim service of the Agence Française du Patrimoine is committed to confirm receipt of customer’s claim within 10 days of the filing and to answer within 60 days.

In case of litigation, the contracting parties undertake to firstly seeking for an amicable arrangement, and secondly to inform the arbitration and disciplinary committee of the “Chambre Nationale des Conseils en Gestion de Patrimoine” (4 rue de Longchamp – 75016 Paris) or the mediator of the AMF or the ACPR. Should the amicable settlement fail, the litigation might be brought before the competent courts in Paris.

Mrs. Marielle Cohen-Branche, mediator of the A.M.F, is licensed by the “Commission nationale d’évaluation et de contrôle de la médiation de la consommation (CECMC) ».

(1) www.amf-france.org    (2) www.orias.fr  (3) www.mediation-conso.fr


Confidentiality clause

In accordance with article 325-9 of the General Regulation of the AMF, unless explicitly agreed, the firm refrains from communicating or using customer’s data outside of its main work. This provision cannot be held against the “Chambre nationale des conseils en gestion de patrimoine » as part of its audit mission.